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CRAETIF is changing.

So... welcome (again)! This blog took an almost year long hiatus and a lot has happened in the mean time. I hope all of you are doing well and are enjoying life kinda-post-covid? I come with some news, and some big changes! Craetif was started almost 5 years ago. I have loved being able to document my journey into the tech industry. From when I used to do my science research, to interviews, to the big challenge so many of you participated in last summer, I have continued to see more engagement, and it is nice to actually meet some of you read this in real life, something I could have only dreamt about happening when I started. This blog has meant so much to me, was featured in "Born to Engineer" and has won awards over this half a decade I have been with you all.  No I'm not ending it. But Craetif needs a change of direction. The year I have spent under *VERY* intense academic pressure has helped me to realise that I don't have all the resources I need to help this bl

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